
Media masthead - Bulldog statue on 雷德兰兹 campus

历史 & 传统

From the beginning, the story of our University has been one of growth, change, 和 innovation. 经历这一切, our students have remained the central focus of a diverse 和 balanced academic experience that prepares them not merely to learn, 但是要领导.

今天,在创立100多年后 贾斯珀牛顿场 宣布, “I am in favor of having a college that will be a credit to ourselves 和 to the state, 或者根本没有,” 雷德兰兹 continues to live up to his optimistic vision.


大学正式成立, choosing for its location a varietal grape vineyard in the young San Bernardino County 雷德兰兹镇. 的 University honors the original 和 continued Native caretakers of the 雷德兰兹 area, 尤哈维亚塔姆(Serrano)和卡韦拉, 和 today U of R programming 和 activities #HonorNativeL和.

Group of people post with a large building in the background, sepia image, early 20th century


的 cornerstone is laid for the gr和 Administration Building at Inspiration Hill. 雷德兰兹' first classes begin in the fall, with nine faculty members, 10 courses, 和 59 students.

A black 和 white photograph of the mountains above 雷德兰兹 with the letter R on the side of a mountain


一群学生人数超过100人,000 square feet of l和 from a mountainside overlooking the university to establish the iconic 雷德兰兹“R”, which becomes an ongoing source of student, faculty 和 civic pride.


牛头犬被收养为 大学的吉祥物.


在一个乐观和扩张的时期, 雷德兰兹 establishes many of its most enduring l和marks, including the Quad 和 new residence halls: California Hall, 费尔蒙特霍尔, Grossmont大厅, 和梅尔罗斯大厅. 的se 和 other additions are financed largely in thanks to the generosity of donors.


“Och Tamale”的呼喊 is born, bringing together generations of 雷德兰兹 students 和 alumni.


教育学院 is founded when the University begins offering teaching credentials, joining an elite group of schools that included Stanford 和 Berkeley 和 becoming the only school in San Bernardino County with state approval to do so.

的 University quad with a classical style chapel in the background


的 Memorial Chapel is dedicated at the north end of the Quad, 成为大学的新焦点.

Actors perform a Christmas scene in front of c和lelight


第一次展示 灯节 由J提供. 威廉姆斯琼斯, 教会音乐兼职教授, in Memorial Chapel—a service of worship celebrating, 在口语中, 舞台造型, 歌曲及器乐表演, 耶稣的诞生. 的 service concludes with the traditional Ceremony of C和les.


A second building boom begins to accommodate the increasing student body, resulting in new residence halls 和 academic buildings.

A group of people st和s in front of a building in Salzburg


雷德兰兹发起了 萨尔茨堡学期, a culturally enriching program that gives students the opportunity to study abroad in Austria.

A group of students st和s in front of Bekins Hall with a sign that says 约翰斯顿中心


约翰斯顿学院(后来的 约翰斯顿综合研究中心)成立, creating an alternative learning environment for students to pilot their own educational growth. Other milestones in 1969 include the introduction of a minor in ethnic studies.


的 Alfred North Whitehead College of Liberal 和 Career Studies (renamed 商学院 in 2001) is created to meet the needs of older, 非传统的学生, with classes held at 雷德兰兹 as well as off-campus locations.


的 University joins with citizens of the Inl和 Empire to form 小镇 & 礼服, an organization comprised of members from both town 和 gown, to integrate the life of the University with the surrounding community.


Following support from organizations such as the Ford Foundation 和 Hewlett Corporation 和 student activism related to the Rodney King verdict in the early 1990s, the faculty position of director of 种族与民族研究 is established. 这为……铺平了道路 种族与民族研究 2001年成为学术专业.

Aquatic center scoreboard with the 雷德兰兹 R on the mountain in the background


汤姆逊水上运动中心 establishes a world-class home for 雷德兰兹’ swimming, diving 和 water polo teams.

A group of people st和 for a presentation in front of a building, black 和 white photo


经过学生们的努力, the Multicultural Center 打开 on the ground level of Armacost 图书馆, 象征性地在校园的中心, as p艺术 of the university’s ongoing effort of “creating a culture of dialogue 和 not silence.” Student leaders call it a place for “uniting the differences that we all bring while celebrating individuals.“多元化办公室(现在) 校园多样性和包容性)也于同期推出.

A man in a lab coat holds samples in front of a laboratory


Stauffer中心 for Science, Mathematics 和 Environmental Studies 打开.



的 42,000 square-foot Center for the 艺术s is dedicated, providing a cutting-edge space for 艺术艺术历史 和 剧院 项目.

马林 campus buildings in aerial photo surrounded by green trees


的 University of 雷德兰兹 merges with the San Francisco 的ological Seminary, creating the 神学研究生院 和U (R 在马林县的校园.


While rising to the challenges of meeting a historic p和emic, 大学再次承诺加强 多样性、公平和包容 在它的社区里.

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